This stack comprises of one of our best mass building compounds and one of our best bodyfat reduction compounds.

OstarShred-2866 x 1

Growth-677 x 2

This stack is for those who are looking to dabble into these types of compounds with the most minimal of side effects.

This stack includes 4 weeks of OstarShred-2866 and 8 weeks’ worth of Growth-677.

Combining both Growth-677 & OstarShred-2866 will help a beginner user to make solid lean mass gains, reduce some bodyfat and increase strength within the gym.

This duo work simultaneously to bind to receptors responsible for fat loss reduction and lean muscle mass production. Both synergised together will increase IGF-1, Growth hormone and  improve basal metabolic rate.

MK677 works on the Ghrelin gland, so it will also increase sleep quality and REM sleep, but will also help maintain & increase muscle mass during a cutting phase.
MK and Ostarine also improves recovery, increases your mitochondria amount, increases both bone strength and density whilst simultaneously boosting development of nerve cells.


  • Muscle Gain:This stack helps to naturally build muscle mass by binding to receptors responsible for muscle mass production.
  • Increased Growth: This beginner stack includes Growth-677 which imitates the ghrelin hormone. This allows it to bind onto one of the brain’s dedicated ghrelin receptors (GHSR). Once activated, GHSR then stimulates the production of the growth hormone in the brain.
  • Increased IGF: This beginner stack can help to increase IGF-1 within the muscles as well as an increase of growth hormone, this can make muscles to seem rounder and fuller.
  • Bodyfat Reduction: Ostarshred-2866 is known to oxidize fat, increase the levels of proteins and nitrogens within the system, which are the main building blocks for musculature. This stack will also reduce visceral fat, increase density and improve lipid metabolism which helps condition users.
  • Pumps:You’re most likely to maintain harder, fuller and venous muscles for longer when you cycle with this stack. These results are similar to what you might experience if you were to cycle with peds.
  • Vascularity: Because these two supplements help increase cardiovascular activity and blood flow whilst undergoing strenuous exercise, you’ll notice an increase in vascularity whilst exercising.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Performance: Because this cycle includes our best shredders, you will also have improved cardiovascular performance in the gym or during exercise. All three are known to be able to reduce rest periods, improve flow in blood vessels and reduce inflammation.


You are probably wondering if there are any side effects associated with the use of a stack. The short answer is very minimal. The long answer is the first thing you need to know is that you need to purchase products off a legitimate source.

Unfortunately, there are websites out there who will take advantage of you by charging ridiculous prices and providing you with bunk products. A vendor that has real peds will always be able to provide third-party documentation.

The most common side effects are nausea on odd occasion if taken on empty stomach, hunger pains if not eating regularly.

This beginner stack was designed to give you little to no side effects at all. And both of these compounds give the least, if any at all.

Keep in mind that these are subject to the client and most clients do not get side effects at all.


You need to take into consideration things like diet and exercise. Not everybody has a high protein strict diet and lifts heavy 4 days a week, even though this is highly recommended.

Please adhere to dosages on labels for test subjects.

If the right protocols are followed, test subjects can expect to gain anywhere from 3KG to 7KG (6.6lbs to 15lbs) of LEAN muscle mass, whilst also reducing some bodyfat by about 2KG-6GK (4.4lbs to 13lbs) simultaneously. You have read that right.

A lot of users also claim that they appear much more conditioned and muscles appear denser after completing a course. In combination with a good diet and workout program perhaps even more.


Growth-677 – Once per day, recommended either in the morning after breakfast or at night.
OstarShred-2866 – Once per day at the same time per day.


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